Friday, January 14, 2022

Month 82: Pages 131-132

This Month's Installment

The italicized parts are what I'm unsure about.
Until yester-day, I workt in the command headquarters in Königsberg.  How everything went well and was in good form!  It was a joy."
     "And even now you are come to us!"
     He laughed: "Oh, you mean to dismiss me solemnly!  No, my good little old lady, as laudable and proper as that would be, the war leaves us no time for that.  I am, of course, here on official business.  Last night, I took a train of soldiers from Königsberg, we are billetted here until to-morrow.  You will also receive yet an-other man."
     "It should be good to have your people with me!"
     "I want to believe that.  They are splendid guys!  But when they have to wait so long for a snack, like their captain..."
     "I didn't think of that!  Pardon me, I just want to fetch Hans, then I'll make everything ready."
     But he called back to her again.  "How is it with Hans, then?" he askt.
     A shadow flew over her face.  "He has had a very difficult trip home."
     "I heard about the story.  Unbelievable!  That's how they do it!  But after all... we are living in a war now.  And a thing like that forces itself."
     "Then he arrived here quite exhausted just an hour before the mobilization and without any break had to throw himself into a breathless activity.  Everyone came to him.  One saw rightly what love and what confidence they showed in him."


     "That is nice and must have lifted him up."
     "So it did.  He preached like I have never heard him before.  Then it went from one official act to an-other, I barely saw him at meals."
     "Good for him, who now has something to do!"
     "But you know how all of that touches him internally.  It was always his weakness and his strength at the same time, good for others because he gives to them from his whole soul, consuming for him."
     "Now we all must more or less consume ourselves, we owe it to the Fatherland."
     "He said the same thing.  And everything was going very well - until England's declaration of war came."
     "Why the devil does that band of grocers worry him?"
     "That's not it at all.  It's something else.  He doesn't talk about it, but I know it.  His whole philosophy of life, the Christian foundation on which he built until now, has begun to waver.  Two worlds are wrestling in him:  the old, which he built on the foundation of his spiritual activity in long times of peace that has now collapsed in ruins, and the new, in which he should find himself."
     The maid came and said that there were soldiers downstairs in the hall who showed a billeting note.
     Now Else had plenty to do.  But she did it all quickly, she was not allowed to lose any of the precious time that she could still be together with Fritz.