Chapter Thirty

The italicized parts are what I'm unsure about.
    Now Hans also made his first visit in the lodge "For the Golden Key."
    In a simple but flattering blue linen dress, the white bonnet on the crown of the thick, wavy hair, the arm band with the red cross around her arm, up to him walkt the director:  Mrs. Lisa Stoltzmann.  On her soft cheeks lay a rosy shimmer; the attractive face shone in the consciousness of the new rank.  She had always possessed the beautiful quality of making the best of everything that she started; her rhenish temperament never saw even the deepest severity without a beam of light.
    The number of patients here was even smaller than in the association building and, for the most part, consisted of officers.  All the more could Mrs. Lisa take care of the individuals.  She went from bed to bed, from chair to chair.  She askt every one about his wishes, got hold of the books he wanted, took dictation for letters to wife or mother, which she wrote with such swiftness that the word could hardly keep up with her handwriting.  And the thoughts just went out from the dictating one, then she immediately supplemented so kindly and appropriately that every one thought:  he would have never been able to do it so well himself; that would particularly please his wife.


    And all of these patients, whether they were young or old, married or single, whether their wounds were light or severe, one thing was common to them:  a boundless fanaticism for their caring, constantly cheerful guardian.  And because they did not dare speak to her face-to-face, they gave their admiration in eloquent glances and delicate bundles of flowers, which they gave with words and sent to her in the house, a quiet expression.  Mrs. Lisa probably caught on then but put up with it.
    She greeted Hans with sincere joy.  "How nice of you, that you also look after us!" she said.  "We have already waited for you longingly and just had a very serious word with the government here.  You will also hold devotions for us as in the association building over there - right?  There you have Thursdays in mind; would Fridays with us be good for you?  Here in the great hall so that all, even the bed-ridden, can hear you.  I will get everything ready with dignity."
    Now she led him to the individual patients.  They received him warmly and thanked him for his visit.  But very soon he noticed that he and his words interested the men less than the beautiful women who accompanied him.  And laughed in the quiet and thought:  If only they find a bit of perking up in their difficult position, no matter who brings it to them!  And lookt not askance nor grudged them their innocent pleasure.