Chapter Eight

As always, the italicized parts are what I'm unsure about:
     One evening his sister stept into his workroom.  "It might now be the time to bring our thoroughly discussed plan to realization," she said, "the establishment of a deacon society in your congregation.  The aimless helping and giving have no purpose, one never meets the right thing.  I was at Stoltzmann's yester-day.  He wants to make sure that we receive a deaconess for the congregation; his wife even promised me her entry into our board of management."
     "See, see, Frau Lisa as carer for the poor and the sick!  There you really have a success to record."
     She mentioned the names of two other ladies who had likewise [sich bereitgefunden].  "But there are still some missing," she added.  "I was thinking of Edith." 
     "Of Miss von Barrnhoff?" he askt with some astonishment.  "She will not want to; that is nothing for her."
     "Why not?"
     "You and Fritz want to get to know her better.  But I find there is something in her - I don't want to call it arrogance, but something negative, something excluding herself from this type of public activity."
     "It would depend on the test.  You always said that you have to make your visit to the old gentleman; you could take this opportunity to speak with her."
     He thought a moment.  "Good," he said then, "I will go to her to-morrow."