Thursday, November 14, 2019

Month 56: Pages 77-78

This Month's Installment

The italicized parts are what I'm unsure about.
     And now her face only half turned towards him:  "Do you know that there are people similar to those animals that see better in the dark and move as in the light?  People who only because of that never fall and stumble, because they don't know danger?"
     He didn't understand her question.  Was it a joke or - ?  But already a silent smile flew around her sharply-cut mouth again:  "I must think about our philosophical conversation, earlier on the cliff there:  that no person has an idea of the other, and yet they walkt so close next to each other.  And isn't it good like that?  If one knew the other, even only the slightest of the known, what happens in him - how terrible like would be!  You see, pastor, if you knew whom you took into the protection of your storm coat up there, to whom you are now offering your supporting hand - no, you don't need to take your arm away from me because of that - I still really need it.  Didn't you also not want that at all?  Yes, but suddenly it twitcht like that at the same time.  And honestly, your hand, which earlier was so very warm, has become completely cold.  Just admit it: you are afraid of me!  And who knows if not rightly so?"
     He felt ashamed.  He held her hand tighter in his own, he forced his face into cheerfulness.  But he didn't have a funny feeling about it at all.  Her words like her being were beginning to become puzzling to him.  It might have been his fault again and his poor knowledge of the female soul.  A saying of Fritz occurred to him.  "You can believe me," he once said to him, "every woman, even the seemingly simplest, becomes a puzzle as soon as you begin even to step a little closer to her."  With that he calmed himself down.
     They had left the beach and had arrived on the promenade.  Now she took her hand out of his with a short word of thanks and walkt by herself at his side.  He saw that she dragged her left foot a little, now and then a painful wince also ran over her face.  But he noticed that she didn't want anything to appear and did not offer his arm to her again.
     New cloud formations were always piling up in the sky, the dark red fire of the dying sun literally drowned in them.  Nuscha quickened her pace.  She had suddenly become very quiet.  In the sharp evening light, her black hair had a metallic luster and the severely-molded characteristic around her red lips emerged more strongly. 
     After the stormy days, all the more beautiful ones followed.  With widely extended wings, the sun lay on the sea and let her flashing lights grasp at and touch his back in high-spirited play.
     Then came the great heat.  It scorched the beach so that it burned like fire under foot, it forced its way into the lightly built buildings and firmly nested itself in them so that even nights with open windows brought no coolness.

I have no comments this week aside from announcing that I've finished chapter twelve and begun chapter thirteen.