Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Month 50: Pages 65-66

This Month's Installment

As always, the italicized parts are what I'm unsure about:
     "Oh, he is very entertaining, the genuine French gentleman, he has seen much and knows how to tell it."
     He was pretty sure that her words were aimed at him.  His dull personality seemed not to please her.  But he couldn't help it.  His thoughts were too occupied by the heavy events of the day for him to be able to show an interest in her light conversation.  And now, however, he did what he had firmly intended to refrain from:  he spoke of war.
     He had not thought that she would show any interest in so serious 
a subject.  He was all the more astonished by the attention that she showed.
     "Wonderful," she said, "the whole world is talking about war!  But it's been doing it for years already.  For a while it becomes quiet.  But then if such an event as to-day's happens, then one hears it again everywhere."
     "There are rising shadows."
     "No, it will not come to that," she replied lively and definitely, "certainly not.  They are all afraid of each other."
     "That is no reason.  Elementary necessities don't let themselves be delayed."
     A passing gentleman, trimly dressed, said hello.  Distracted, she thanked him and then said:  "Then what do the people by you over there in East Prussia think about it?  Here they are always saying many thousands of Russians armed to the teeth are standing on the border and waiting only for the opportune moment to break in."
     "We East Prussians are not a timid breed.  We are not afraid of the Russians."
     "I believe it.  I asked only because the matter concerns me a little. My mother lives close to the border."
     They had arrived at the entry door to the "seastar."  "See you later!" she cried and offered him her hand. 
     The joy had been only short.  The sun hid itself again, cold days followed.  The air was damp and unfriendly, it smelled of rain and mist.  Swimming and boating caused no pleasure now, one had transferred to walks. 


I have only a few comments this month:

1) I find it interesting that "armed to the teeth" is also a phrase in German ("bis an die Zähne bewaffnet").

2) Coincidentally, this month's installment ends at the very end of a page.

3) This is the end of chapter 11.