Saturday, July 14, 2018

Month 40: Pages 55-56

This Month's Installment

As always, what's italicized is what I'm unsure about:
In the new office I like to have dealt with some false things, to have made some mistake - it is not easy to find one's self in such a changed condition, especially when one should be exemplary in everything that one says and does - ,but one thing I may claim of myself: I also brought the good, honest will here and, if it doesn't sound exalted: the pure heart."
     "I believe you."
     "But you don't help me when I ask you."
     "I would like to say something to you, Pastor Warsow, even at the risk that we will then no longer understand each other at all - "
     He noticed that it was not becoming easy for her to continue.
     "I - yes, I also cannot regard this type of working effort as much as you.  The care of the poor and sick of the congregation, it is a beautiful, noble thought.  But do you really believe that the women whom you call together for this purpose are capable of translating it into the act?"
     "It will be difficult for them in the beginning; then they will grow into their duty."
     "They will not be missing a good will, certainly not.  They will give with full hands - always to the wrong one!  Because from where do they have the eye for the real need, from where the practice?  I am afraid that what they do in this way is again a dilettantism of the work that I've always hated."
     "Perhaps you yourself have not yet made an attempt?"
     "I have not been idle in Reckenstein and have my experiences; because I have met almost all the people - and always gave to the wronged.

Grammatical Minuta

I'm unsure about translating "dem Unrechten" as "to the wronged."  In the context, it seems like Edith is talking about poor people, but I couldn't find a substantival use of "unrecht" in that sense in my dictionary or in doing research online.  This is also a singular ("to the wronged [man]"), which doesn't particularly suit the context.  So I don't know.