Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Month 36: Pages 50-51

This Month's Installment

As always, the italicized parts are what I'm unsure about:
     Meanwhile, he had begun his lectures for which Mayor Stoltzmann had obtained him and in which he wanted to give in orderly sequence a development of the German religious philosophy from Kant until the present time.  He had gladly undertaken this work because it led him back into the spiritual circle that he had left.
     Although the topic was not easy, the registrations had come in in such great numbers that Dr. Stoltzmann had to use the biggest hall 
that was available to him in the city.
     Hans leafed through the list of the participants.  All of the well-known names were recorded on it: higher government officials with their wives, officers, many individual women who also regularly heard his sermons, the first mayor with his wife - only one name was missing: Edith von Barrnhoff.
     He knew that she had left Reckenstein at the beginning of winter because her father had to undergo a lengthy treatment here in the city.  He had seen her on the street quite often, even spoken to her a few times.  She had enough time - was there an aim in her staying away?  He had to smile at himself, that with such unexpected and great participation, the absence of a single name caused him trouble. 
     One evening his sister stept into his workroom.  "It might now be the time to bring our thoroughly discussed plan to realization," she said, "the establishment of a deacon society in your congregation.

I have no comments on this month's installment aside from: I finished chapter seven.  The next chapter is less than a page, so it shouldn't take too long to finish.