Sunday, January 14, 2018

Month 34: Pages 48-49

This Month's Installment

As always, the italicized parts are what I'm unsure about:
And now my sisterly nervousness, which causes you so much trouble, scolds, but I find it is not sufficiently taken care of for you.  You know what this is about.  Even as a lecturer in Bonn you askt
me repeatedly to come to you and to run your household.  I couldn't then.  And, quite frankly, my dear boy, I also didn't want to.  The field that presented itself to me was for me, with all love for you, too small.  Now you are the priest of a large congregation, and what you indicated to me several times, I understand very well: there is no wifely helper for you for your work in the congregation.
     So, shortly and clearly: if you want me, I will gladly come, run the household for you, try to make life a little more comfortable for you, and satisfy my need for activity with work on the duties for your congregation.
     Now write to me just as frankly what you think.  I am ready at any moment; yes, I may even add that the wish to be able to be something for you and to live together with you was not without effect on my notice [of leaving my position].
     Warm regards, old boy, from your loyal sister
     Nothing could be more welcome to Hans than this letter, which he found one morning on his writing desk.  Else had hit on the right thing.  Indeed, he was lonely.  He brooded in the long evenings, which he spent - almost without exception - at his writing desk, in all types of spiritual questions and problems;

For the first time, I have no comments on the grammar, which leaves this post a bit shorter than usual.